The Entrusted Hero Award
The Nursing Hero Award is a prestigious recognition awarded to nurses who demonstrate exceptional bravery, compassion, and expertise in saving lives and promoting health. This award celebrates the selfless dedication and unwavering commitment of nurses who go above and beyond the call of duty to protect, heal, and comfort the patient within their care.
Michael LaBolt is the recipient of our first Hero Award. Michael has been a part of the Entrusted Family for over 3 years. Michael is a dedicated nurse who has always shown passion and dedication to every child in his care.
Currently, Michael is one of the nurses who cares for patient (Andrew) Drew Fleharty. At two years old, Drew began experiencing episodes of hemiplegia, one-sided paralysis, leading to a diagnosis of Hemiplegic Migraine and Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood. As Drew grew, so did the complexity of his medical needs. At six years old, he lost the ability to eat by mouth and his hard-earned potty training. Each setback brought heartache, yet Drew’s spirit remained unbroken. But Drew’s challenges were far from over. Complications from treatments led to severe secondary diagnoses and comorbidities, including chronic lung disease, immune deficiencies, and severe osteopenia. Yet, through it all, Drew has persevered, his spirit continues to shine bright, despite his complications.
Drew faced yet another setback when he fractured his femur, enduring considerable pain. To aid his recovery, he was prescribed pain medication. However, during Michael’s shift attending to Drew, he suffered a severe adverse reaction to the medication, leading to cardiac arrest. Fortunately, Michael acted swiftly, initiating CPR and continued until the ambulance arrived. Michael’s rapid response proved instrumental in saving Drew’s life.
Michael’s quality care and commitment to clinical excellence is why he is the first recipient of our Hero Award. He is an inspiration and example to Nurses everywhere.